“Sexual Health” – a super 8 film
For a long time I had wanted to experiment with real movie film and finally took the plunge to buy a super 8 camera, actually the specific model is an Elmo 1012s-xl which has all of the features that the more “premium” model camera’s have but at a much smaller cost!
Unfortunately the cost isn’t just in the camera itself, buying the film and having it developed and then scanned adds up to around £60 per minute of footage so it’s enough to say that shooting this format is going to be a rare treat to myself when I feel I deserve it.
Nevertheless, the first thing I needed to do when buying the camera was to film test it and make sure everything on the camera was working, super 8 camera’s are decades old at this point and the Elmo1012 is no exception having been produced between 1979 and 1981.
After changing the light seals I ordered my first roll of Super 8 film, Kodak Vision 3 200T to be precise and took my new Super 8 footage on a trip to London to test it out.
This is that very first film test